Audax Renovables promotes a communication and contact policy with shareholders, institutional investors and proxy advisors that fully respects the rules against market abuse and treats shareholders in the same position in the same way.
Without prejudice to the principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination, the Company may adapt the general information and special communication channels, and other initiatives regarding information and communication with shareholders, Institutional Investors and the markets in general. depending on the various target groups. Regarding regulatory compliance, the rules on the treatment of privileged information and relevant information, relations with shareholders and communication with the stock markets contained in the Regulations of the Board of Directors, the Internal Regulations of Conduct in the Securities Markets and the Code of Ethics.
To facilitate inquiries from shareholders and Institutional Investors, the information that the Company transmits through its corporate website is incorporated simultaneously, whenever possible, in Spanish and English, with the Spanish version prevailing in the event of a discrepancy.
Quarterly Financial Report
Semiannual Financial Report
Quarterly Financial Report
Semiannual Financial Report
Quarterly Financial Report
Semiannual Financial Report
Quarterly Financial Report
Semiannual Financial Report